Sunday, December 19, 2010

March Horoscope 2011

Aries Horoscope of March 2011
Partnership and intimate connection have been occupying much of your attention lately, but on Friday and Saturday the pendulum swings to issues of Higher Mind and the exploration of new intellectual or actual horizons. There is something transformational about these issues for you, Aries. You are in the process of setting up resources for change, forging ahead into new territory, shedding your skin. It is a brave adventure, one you are finally up for, after the days of hesitation. By March 2011 you are making your plans more concrete, and placing your vision squarely at the hub of the ever-expanding wheel of friendships and group associations, finally ready to take your vision on the road to the future.

 Taurus Horoscope of March 2011
What an exciting time to be alive, Taurus, as you move through partnership and transformational intimacy to a new and expansive vision of yourself. You are in the process of reinventing your self-concept right now, and you have the opportunity to paint in whatever you like. You are wanting to take significant others into account as you go through these changes, and you will be reminded of that on March 2011 when the Moon enters your house of profound sharing. It may seem like a contrast to all the energy you have for self-renewal but it really just fuels your fire all the more. On March 2011's Quarter Moon your most fantastic visions could all start to come true, if you will let them.

Gemini Horoscope of March 2011
These days you are in a better position than ever before to forge networks of fruitful association and to plan artistically for a better and more peaceful world. Partnership with others is transformative for you these days, especially March 2011 , when you find out just how much change you can take and still keep the wheels on -- as you speed forward into significant sharing based on deep mysterious depths, finally able to express themselves in terms of concrete reality. The secret is, Gemini, that these inner riches do not exist for you to use in isolation. It's a mystical conundrum: they must be shared in order to be fully enjoyed.

Cancer Horoscope of March 2011
You have had just loads of energy for networks of friends and group associations lately, Cancer, with something of a stop and go determination, perhaps frustrating at times. But all that lovely enthusiasm, and the dam is finally about to break loose. On March 2011 you really begin to get it that service to others is the key to turn in this particular lock. It can be transforming and serve your greater purpose of social connection, although there may be some tension in the mix as you contend with ancient prohibitions against having just too much fun. Ultimately all this serves to further your brilliant and aesthetic conception of becoming all that you can be, especially when you realize that that 'all' includes everyone else and not just your separate self.

Leo Horoscope of March 2011
Home and career both fuel your creativity this month, Leo, especially March 2011 when it will hardly seem a contradiction to embrace both sides of your life, public and private, in a new synthesis. You certainly have lots of energy for your work these days, and your artistic creative impulses are finally beginning to bear fruit in terms of concrete reality, translating into advantage in the public sphere. On March 2011 your focus shifts to compassionate partnership, lighting up your inner life with rich fantasies of abundance. If you dare to believe in your vision of true sharing it will bring you riches: an emerging on the public stage beyond your wildest dreams.

Virgo Horoscope of March 2011
Something is changing on the home front for you these days, and the changes become more intense March 2011 when the Moon combines with Pluto-Chiron in your fourth house of home and family and psychic rooted-ness. You are wanting to feel more secure, but how? And simultaneously you feel the desire to break through to new intellectual heights of daring-do, perhaps planning a trip to distant lands, but can you, really? Ideals of service to others and the shared intimacy of homey commitments are at odds with all that energy to wander free – which will predominate? Only your inner self knows, and for the moment, it isn't telling. The nature of the soul is paradox, Virgo. Embrace the extremes.

Libra Horoscope of March 2011
Communication is sooo important to you these days, Libra, even though it doesn't always come easy. Partnership is gentle and pure, you have all the right instincts, and it leads to intimacy also, on an up and down basis, loads of energy there these days! The tension finally easing and the smooth takeoff just on the verge. On March 2011 you may escape into fanciful creations that are just your own. But until then, especially March 2011 and March 2011, you have to tell the truth, make the bridge, allow the intimacy fully. Don't pull your punches this time around.

Scorpio Horoscope of March 2011
You begin this Thursday with positive emotion and stability as the Moon moves through your sign. Resources have been problematic lately and become more so on March 2011 when some conflict with partners of all kinds is possible. Those stuck situations are finally easing however so keep the faith. Then on March 2011 with the Quarter Moon, idealized compassion truly moves you to greater heights, spiritually speaking, although there could also be some tension born out of the process, again with significant others. You have the magic power to create your own reality around these events, so choose wisely, Scorpio!

Sagittarius Horoscope of March 2011
Thursday you begin by serving others' needs rather than even considering your own, but all that shifts completely on March 2011 when you come into joyous celebration of self. Is there an inherent conflict present in this dichotomy? Oh, yes. But it is nothing you can't handle, Sagittarius! The world is bigger and better then ever these days, and to fully embrace it takes all of the juicy, compassionate, exuberant and responsible fibers of your being. By March 2011 you'll be confessing it to everyone who will listen with compassionate one-ness and visionary excitement. Try not to get lost at this time in misty meadows of idealism; your home base on planet earth is calling out to you clear and strong if you'll only bend your ear to listen.

Capricorn Horoscope of March 2011
Your creative energy is peaking these days, and you are finally getting past the road blocks imposed from within; it might not all be completely clear sailing but there is open water in sight ahead. It is time to harness your dreams and visions of a bright tomorrow to the sturdy plow of circumstance. You may feel a pull also, to retreat from the world, to go deep down inside, especially March 2011. The challenge is to integrate all your parts, to embrace the opposite poles of inside and outside in a way that truly honors them both. Then, on March 2011, you feel pulled into still more fantasy worlds - perhaps in terms of your values and finances. You have tremendous spiritual values at your fingertips just waiting for your multi-dimensional investment strategy to mature to the point where you can really begin to use them.

Aquarius Horoscope of March 2011
After some potential conflicts on March 2011 and Thursday, this March 2011 you move through swirls of energy surrounding friends and associations of all kinds, group activity in search of a better social ideal, and the determination and ability to go beyond previous high-water marks of psychological integration and personal responsibility, all meat and drink to you these days, Aquarius! There are important challenging and rewarding opportunities for you on the home front, either your literal home and family or your home base of practical psychological rooted-ness that forms the very ground under your feet. You are ready to come out as never before and you have your big chance on March 2011, with the Moon and Neptune hugging in your sign, one chance of many more lying ahead.

Pisces Horoscope of March 2011
You have loads of energy for communication these days, and it all serves to further your public image. Sweet, sensitive, compassionate AND a communicator, what a combination, Pisces. You begin to discover the fruits of all this networking you've been engaged in lately on March 2011, when the Moon crosses into your house of career. On March 2011 there may be some tension born out of the contrast between other-worldly vision and brass tacks reality. Through it all there is a strong force compelling you to change some things in your life, utterly. Might as well give in to it.

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