Sunday, December 19, 2010

March Horoscope 2011

Aries Horoscope of March 2011
Partnership and intimate connection have been occupying much of your attention lately, but on Friday and Saturday the pendulum swings to issues of Higher Mind and the exploration of new intellectual or actual horizons. There is something transformational about these issues for you, Aries. You are in the process of setting up resources for change, forging ahead into new territory, shedding your skin. It is a brave adventure, one you are finally up for, after the days of hesitation. By March 2011 you are making your plans more concrete, and placing your vision squarely at the hub of the ever-expanding wheel of friendships and group associations, finally ready to take your vision on the road to the future.

 Taurus Horoscope of March 2011
What an exciting time to be alive, Taurus, as you move through partnership and transformational intimacy to a new and expansive vision of yourself. You are in the process of reinventing your self-concept right now, and you have the opportunity to paint in whatever you like. You are wanting to take significant others into account as you go through these changes, and you will be reminded of that on March 2011 when the Moon enters your house of profound sharing. It may seem like a contrast to all the energy you have for self-renewal but it really just fuels your fire all the more. On March 2011's Quarter Moon your most fantastic visions could all start to come true, if you will let them.

Gemini Horoscope of March 2011
These days you are in a better position than ever before to forge networks of fruitful association and to plan artistically for a better and more peaceful world. Partnership with others is transformative for you these days, especially March 2011 , when you find out just how much change you can take and still keep the wheels on -- as you speed forward into significant sharing based on deep mysterious depths, finally able to express themselves in terms of concrete reality. The secret is, Gemini, that these inner riches do not exist for you to use in isolation. It's a mystical conundrum: they must be shared in order to be fully enjoyed.

Cancer Horoscope of March 2011
You have had just loads of energy for networks of friends and group associations lately, Cancer, with something of a stop and go determination, perhaps frustrating at times. But all that lovely enthusiasm, and the dam is finally about to break loose. On March 2011 you really begin to get it that service to others is the key to turn in this particular lock. It can be transforming and serve your greater purpose of social connection, although there may be some tension in the mix as you contend with ancient prohibitions against having just too much fun. Ultimately all this serves to further your brilliant and aesthetic conception of becoming all that you can be, especially when you realize that that 'all' includes everyone else and not just your separate self.

Leo Horoscope of March 2011
Home and career both fuel your creativity this month, Leo, especially March 2011 when it will hardly seem a contradiction to embrace both sides of your life, public and private, in a new synthesis. You certainly have lots of energy for your work these days, and your artistic creative impulses are finally beginning to bear fruit in terms of concrete reality, translating into advantage in the public sphere. On March 2011 your focus shifts to compassionate partnership, lighting up your inner life with rich fantasies of abundance. If you dare to believe in your vision of true sharing it will bring you riches: an emerging on the public stage beyond your wildest dreams.

Virgo Horoscope of March 2011
Something is changing on the home front for you these days, and the changes become more intense March 2011 when the Moon combines with Pluto-Chiron in your fourth house of home and family and psychic rooted-ness. You are wanting to feel more secure, but how? And simultaneously you feel the desire to break through to new intellectual heights of daring-do, perhaps planning a trip to distant lands, but can you, really? Ideals of service to others and the shared intimacy of homey commitments are at odds with all that energy to wander free – which will predominate? Only your inner self knows, and for the moment, it isn't telling. The nature of the soul is paradox, Virgo. Embrace the extremes.

Libra Horoscope of March 2011
Communication is sooo important to you these days, Libra, even though it doesn't always come easy. Partnership is gentle and pure, you have all the right instincts, and it leads to intimacy also, on an up and down basis, loads of energy there these days! The tension finally easing and the smooth takeoff just on the verge. On March 2011 you may escape into fanciful creations that are just your own. But until then, especially March 2011 and March 2011, you have to tell the truth, make the bridge, allow the intimacy fully. Don't pull your punches this time around.

Scorpio Horoscope of March 2011
You begin this Thursday with positive emotion and stability as the Moon moves through your sign. Resources have been problematic lately and become more so on March 2011 when some conflict with partners of all kinds is possible. Those stuck situations are finally easing however so keep the faith. Then on March 2011 with the Quarter Moon, idealized compassion truly moves you to greater heights, spiritually speaking, although there could also be some tension born out of the process, again with significant others. You have the magic power to create your own reality around these events, so choose wisely, Scorpio!

Sagittarius Horoscope of March 2011
Thursday you begin by serving others' needs rather than even considering your own, but all that shifts completely on March 2011 when you come into joyous celebration of self. Is there an inherent conflict present in this dichotomy? Oh, yes. But it is nothing you can't handle, Sagittarius! The world is bigger and better then ever these days, and to fully embrace it takes all of the juicy, compassionate, exuberant and responsible fibers of your being. By March 2011 you'll be confessing it to everyone who will listen with compassionate one-ness and visionary excitement. Try not to get lost at this time in misty meadows of idealism; your home base on planet earth is calling out to you clear and strong if you'll only bend your ear to listen.

Capricorn Horoscope of March 2011
Your creative energy is peaking these days, and you are finally getting past the road blocks imposed from within; it might not all be completely clear sailing but there is open water in sight ahead. It is time to harness your dreams and visions of a bright tomorrow to the sturdy plow of circumstance. You may feel a pull also, to retreat from the world, to go deep down inside, especially March 2011. The challenge is to integrate all your parts, to embrace the opposite poles of inside and outside in a way that truly honors them both. Then, on March 2011, you feel pulled into still more fantasy worlds - perhaps in terms of your values and finances. You have tremendous spiritual values at your fingertips just waiting for your multi-dimensional investment strategy to mature to the point where you can really begin to use them.

Aquarius Horoscope of March 2011
After some potential conflicts on March 2011 and Thursday, this March 2011 you move through swirls of energy surrounding friends and associations of all kinds, group activity in search of a better social ideal, and the determination and ability to go beyond previous high-water marks of psychological integration and personal responsibility, all meat and drink to you these days, Aquarius! There are important challenging and rewarding opportunities for you on the home front, either your literal home and family or your home base of practical psychological rooted-ness that forms the very ground under your feet. You are ready to come out as never before and you have your big chance on March 2011, with the Moon and Neptune hugging in your sign, one chance of many more lying ahead.

Pisces Horoscope of March 2011
You have loads of energy for communication these days, and it all serves to further your public image. Sweet, sensitive, compassionate AND a communicator, what a combination, Pisces. You begin to discover the fruits of all this networking you've been engaged in lately on March 2011, when the Moon crosses into your house of career. On March 2011 there may be some tension born out of the contrast between other-worldly vision and brass tacks reality. Through it all there is a strong force compelling you to change some things in your life, utterly. Might as well give in to it.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

February 2011 Horoscope | February Horoscope 2011 | 2011 February Horoscope

2011 Aries February Horoscope
You are in the process of discovering the true meaning of personal resources, these days. Your finances have been something of a roller coaster lately perhaps, and you have plenty of juice for possessions, of one kind or another, and for other security providing elements of your life, but what does it all mean in terms of your soul's evolutionary purpose? Ultimately it is a closer examination of your values that is going on here, for you and for the rest of the planet as well. On This Month you may experience some conflict with networks of friends and groups of people. This can be a creative moment in your process of getting a grip on what you truly value and how social needs play into it. Over the monthend this process continues and you feel caught between mundane interpretations of reality and higher purpose, as you struggle to define what it is you need for yourself apart from and in concert with others. Month's New Moon poses one form of answer to the question; material well-being may only be an illusion while the real gold is to be found right there under your and everyone else's skin.

2011 Taurus February Horoscope
Intimacy versus independence is your mantra these days, Taurus. Some major challenges and opportunities in your life have you dancing with glee over the positive changes you see coming your way, even if you may be also a bit scared or holding back at times. These feelings can only intensify as we go into the alignment ahead, as seven planets mass in Taurus this monthend and early next month, leading up to Month's New Moon in your sign. Your movement to evolve into something closer to your heart's desire is obviously expanding to the max. You can also expect issues to arise (once again) of how you can at the same time be close with another person, what that means in terms of inherited resources and shared finances and the potential conflict with your own development, and the many changes that these issues are putting you through. On This Month you feel the heat in terms of life in the public sphere, either work or some other aspect of your public persona. You feel inspired by the positive changes and also a bit conflicted, whether you can really have it all. You can, you know. Then over the monthend, and heading towards Month's magic moment, you feel the oncoming rush of energy, the waterfall we are all going over together. Wheeeee.

2011 Gemini February Horoscope
You have been in the process of reinventing the way you do relationship and it comes from a place of deep down inside yourself that's hard to reach with your conscious mind. This is not a head space, but is buried somewhere below the level of your body, even. You have been feeling the pressure growing. It may mean that you will have to make changes and that is something we all are extremely reluctant to do, but clinging to previous conceptions won't work anymore either. On Saturday you are out in public with this new evolutionary purpose to relate, to others and to hidden parts of your own nature as well, and you may feel a bit exposed. By Month's powerful New Moon you are on the launching pad, as your space ship prepares for take-off, going up, up and away. This time, the way down and the way up are the same.

2011 Cancer February Horoscope
You are in the process of reaching out to others these days, Cancer. Something inside is wanting to come out and dance with the whole world. You are undoubtedly feeling the specialness of friends and associates of all kinds, as you accept the home truth that it takes everybody's energy together to begin to heal the planet. On 27th you have the juicy and visionary encounter with some form of intimate other to spur you on your way. Over the monthend and heading into Month's New Moon, you become more ready than ever before to fully inhabit your recently expanded circle of influence.

2011 Leo February Horoscope
Your career is about to take off, Leo. All through these last few months you have been feeling the ups and downs of a new beginning in that area. Now, this month, with Month's New Moon on the way, the chances for advancement were never better, as all that practical Taurus energy lands in your house of career and public life. Beginning on This Month the 27th, when important partnerships with a revolutionary new dimension fuel your purpose, and continuing over the monthend, when creative intimacy lights your way, you're transcending the previous boundaries of your expanded self, ready to break through to new levels of achievement.

2011 Virgo February Horoscope
Ideals of service, sacrificial compassion for the entire planet, rich visions of adventure in foreign lands, simultaneous deep-rooted transformation at the core of your being – these are the energies that drive you these days, Virgo. Saturday finds you invoking important partnerships with others to share these dramas, although you might feel caught between potentially painful home truths and those outrageous adventures of Higher Mind that keep tugging at your consciousness. These days you have the practical and exuberant vision to reach new heights of spiritual advance and thinking out-of-the-box outrageous breakthrough. By Month's New Moon in totally emphasized Taurus you'll have some fresh answers to your fundamental questions and be ready to begin a new chapter at significantly higher levels of vibration.

2011 Libra February Horoscope
You are in charisma mode these days, Libra, especially where intimate partnerships are concerned. Beginning this This Month the 27th, and continuing over the monthend as you head towards Month's extremely powerful New Moon in Taurus, in your house of change, your energy to work within significant relationship in search of transformative goals was never more available. Where there is so much energy, sparks may fly, but they will be taken to advantage if you keep your eyes on the prize – nothing less than a total and irrevocable shift in the way you do intimate partnering with others. Your core issues you have been holding onto may have to change along with everything else about your personality. You are at the turning wheel at the center of your world as the planet shifts and the previously implausible becomes routine.

2011 Scorpio February Horoscope
Security has always been something of a shaky issue for you, Scorpio, you are never sure if you have enough. On This Month these feelings are emphasized as you go through some challenging changes or new vision regarding that quality of inner being you keep carefully hidden away from the rest of the world. The world is very much with you these days, especially in the form of partnerships of all kinds, where there is a whole new beginning awaiting you by the time of Month's very powerful New Moon in Taurus. Intimate and significant others hold a special meaning for your evolutionary path at this time, Scorpio.

2011 Sagittarius February Horoscope
Purification of purpose surrounds your efforts these days, Sagittarius. On This Month the 27th, visionary communication lights up your concept of being helpful to other people. There may be some conflict between self and other expressed on that day. It is difficult to put aside ego needs for the sake of everyone else – there needs to be a balance struck of some kind. On This Month, you feel more strongly than ever that home and family or taking care of your own security are the most important factors. Still there is that pull to reach out to others and explore what it means to truly be of service. On Month's New Moon you are reborn as an earth angel.

2011 Capricorn February Horoscope
Your creativity is calling out to you, Capricorn. For months now the juices have been flowing and they reach flood tide proportions by Month's New Moon. This creative energy demands everything you've got, both in terms of your inner life and what's deep down inside. Over the monthend, on This Month especially, issues of communicating your inner vision to others predominate. At that time, you feel the conflict between staying deep inside your inner world and letting all your energies rise to the surface and touch other people. By Month's powerful Taurus New Moon, it will hardly seem a contradiction as you are born into a new level of being right there in the moment.

2011 Aquarius February Horoscope
These days you are filled with the urge to re-create yourself at a very deep level of your psyche, or maybe you are just going crazy. The Native American peoples treasured the temporarily insane, and felt that they were in touch with the spaces between the worlds. That same positive evaluation applies to the trials and joys you are experiencing Aquarius. Although it may be stressful, you are getting in touch with yourself on some really deep levels, and this can only have a beneficial result in the long run, transforming your concept of what it means to be in social settings and to plan for a future society that will work better than the present one. By Month's New Moon in Taurus you'll be ready, or not, to take up the challenge of bringing all your parts together into a new level of integration. If you're ready, take the plunge. If you're not ready, take the plunge anyway.

2011 Pisces February Horoscope
You're all about reaching out to other people these days, Pisces, but there's that secret side that would rather stay curled up in a ball than venture into new territory, like exploring others' worlds. You need to honor that private side, and you will feel like that especially on This Month the 27th, but at the same time there is the building energy to communicate. Over the monthend you have a new expanded vision of yourself and your ability to emerge on the public stage, even though there may be painful changes associated with it. By Month's powerful New Moon in Taurus you will stretch your reach as never before and fully inhabit all that curious energy to explore the psychic environment around you in the form of other people, and to see where that leads you in terms of career and the public sphere. Coming out can be fun!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

January 2011 Horoscope | January Horoscope 2011 | 2011 January Horoscope

Aries 2011 January Horoscope
This month you are making a bid in your personal life for a societal future that you can really live with, Aries. Radical thinking and acting and startling new group dynamics are unfolding before you, but first you must work through a fog of misty-eyed idealism surrounding your activities and their real-world connections, sorting what parts to keep and what it may be necessary to lose sight of. The Mercury retrograde period of time, that is still active as the month begins, gives you an opportunity for reflection, for discerning your true purpose and future direction. The Quarter Moon of January 4th represents a brief moment of tension in relationship dynamics. When Mercury turns direct on January 8th, and even more so with the New Moon of January 12th there is a new direction implicit in your striving, startling new information that comes in, affecting your group consciousness and your plans for the future. You continue to have a mystical bent at this time, a deep process of connection to the universe that informs your choices. By the time of the Full Moon of January 27th, you are confirmed in your chosen path, and digging in to work out the real-world obstacles. Your connection with Spirit will see you through.

Taurus 2011 January Horoscope
You are figuring out how to make your career really work for you right now, Taurus. You are idealistic about possibilities, while suffering from the limitations of the mundane world of consensus reality with regard to finances and marshaling your resources generally. This is a good time for re-thinking your approach and preparing yourself for a new wave of vision and determination to do only the work that rewards you at soul level as well as materially. Nothing less will satisfy you at this time. With the New Moon of January 12th you are ready to launch yourself off in some major new directions. The Quarter Moon of January 4th is good for your self-expression, putting yourself out there in a deeply passionate manner. When Mercury turns direct on January 8th, followed by the New Moon of January 12th, it signals new beginnings. The New Moon is in your career sector, indicating surprising twists and new turns in your public statement at this time, and eventually more clarity regarding future plans. The Full Moon of January 27th brings to a kind of fruition the plans you have made in the impulsive New Moon time, with possible financial or practical restrictions implied as you concentrate on the working out of this impulse into so-called reality.

Gemini 2011 January Horoscope
You are coming into fresh perspectives on the way you look at the world around you, Gemini. Relationship challenges are still operating from the wings, but these are not as central to your agenda as they were last summer and fall. These days you are attempting to get clear on your philosophy of life, through educational efforts or by means of taking a different point of view into account. The New Moon of January 12th represents a new beginning, a radical departure from previous ways of thinking and being in the world. Your ruler Mercury is still retrograde until the 8th, when views you have been taking lately or travel plans may shift dramatically. These changes in direction are sparked again with the New Moon of January 12th, which energizes you to further departures from your established viewpoint. The Full Moon of January 27th represents a fruition of these new ideas in terms of real-world activity in support of your high flying principles. You are in the midst of a challenging and difficult transition, but the goddess is pulling for you as long as you allow yourself to let go of the past and keep on riding the wave of the future.

Cancer 2011 January Horoscope
Issues of intimacy are up for you these days, Cancer. You have been through the fires of getting clear on your own mission statement in the face of relationship challenges, and there is still a painful process exposed around connection with others, but be aware that great healing is possible there also. The future before you is seen dimly at first but with more and more clarity as the month progresses. The Quarter Moon of January 4th brings up relationship concerns with regard to issues of self-expression. When Mercury turns direct on January 8th followed by the New Moon of January 12th in your house of intimacy and personal transformation it symbolizes totally new beginnings for you. You are taking off in radically different directions at this time, in innovative ways that will not show their entire result until the fulfillment of the Full Moon. The Full Moon, which takes place on January 27th, presages an integration of present process and former memory patterns that have built up over time. These patterns can either hold you back or send you forward more haltingly but with groundedness and continuity with the past. Something is taken but something important remains.

Leo 2011 January Horoscope
You've been partly living in dream-time lately Leo, a confusing period of contrasting issues of self and other, with a mystical purpose. You are getting clearer on your basic concept and how that might involve the working out of Spirit in your life. There may also be health issues that come up for you, but with a positive outlook. Confusion or idealism surrounding the issue of partnership with others makes a dramatic shift with the January 12th New Moon in your relationship sector. There are likely to be surprising ideas, perhaps new conclusions to be reached. You are exploring issues of intimacy with others and the deeper aspects of your own self-expression from a philosophical standpoint, and trying to get clear on the deeper meaning. On January 4th, the Quarter Moon in your sector of home and family might bring up relationship issues for you, briefly. Mercury turns direct on January 8th, which along with the New Moon of January 12th brings a fresh perspective and dramatic, even startling new information to bear. You are taking off in radical new directions, which reach a culmination of some sort with the Full Moon of January 27th. The practical necessity of concrete plans comes together with your vision for the future and the partnerships that facilitate that vision, to hold you back from excess zeal and to launch you into the practical unfolding of your ideals.

Virgo 2011 January Horoscope
You are making plans in your unconscious depths for yet further changes and transformations, Virgo. You have been slowly fitting yourself to the world of your ideal, in a confusing and potentially ungrounded time of challenges to the way you look at yourself, re-thinking where you are headed this time around the wheel. After the New Moon of January 12th you will experience a new burst of energy for your process, getting yourself more closely in touch with your mission statement, and reaching out for the help of your fellow co-conspirators in making it all happen. The Quarter Moon of January 4th challenges your self-expression briefly. When your ruler Mercury turns direct on January 8th there may be a shift in awareness or direction, which is reinforced by the New Moon of the following Tuesday, January 12th. Then, lightning bursts of cosmic awareness bring you much further toward your ideals than you would have thought possible, for nothing can hold you back at this time. The Full Moon of January 27th represents a fruition of your schemes and dreams, in terms of concrete relationships with others, in which some part of those visions is retained, but some part necessarily falls away. The actual working out of visionary possibility is bitter-sweet, since something is lost, but the joy is there of it's real world presence, and that is what you can take away with you.

Libra 2011 January Horoscope
Things may be amorphous for a while, Libra. During the first part of the month, your creativity and self-expression is blossoming, but at the same time feels a bit fuzzy and unreal, not of this world. Your connection to the world of Spirit is enhanced while your connection with more mundane matters remains elusive and mysterious . You may get a better handle on reality following the January 12th New Moon, which represents an unexpected shift, a new way of being in the world. You are getting a clearer idea of your purpose in this life with each passing day. The Quarter Moon of January 4th emphasizes your values and finances, including perhaps your relationship dynamics, which are also changing at this time. The Mercury direct moment of January 8th marks a turn-around in the way you reach out to others, and sets you up for a vibrationally active and intense period of time a few days later, at the time of the New Moon. This period that begins with the New Moon of January 12th represents a radical departure from previous conceptions, a flowering of possibilities and visions for the future, while the Full Moon that follows serves to connect you with your process even more deeply and concretely. A grounded integration of higher philosophy and mystical vision may be just what the universe ordered to get you on track with your entire mission statement.

Scorpio 2011 January Horoscope
Your mysterious depths are calling you to greater service to yourself and others lately, Scorpio. You are getting into the deeper meaning of your true reason for being here, and perhaps going a little bit crazy in the process. With the New Moon of January 12th, you are making a fresh start in the area of home and family issues, and the psychological basis for your security, which has been going through something of a shake-up lately. You are seeking to find the answers within yourself to the question of how to determine your true path, and the information is visionary, even startling. The Quarter Moon of January 4th finds you somewhat conflicted, working out how to find yourself in the mix of self and other. When Mercury turns direct on January 8th, followed by the New Moon of January 12th, it represents a shift in the way you regard yourself at deep levels. Something that has been brewing for ages comes into the light of your conscious understanding at this time. This is a shock to your system, and a tidal flow of new direction in your life, which if you ride it out will take you further in the direction your higher self is leading you. The Full Moon time of the week of January 25th will be a type of culmination of your journey, one of many more still to come.

Sagittarius 2011 January Horoscope
You are still changing at deep levels, Sagittarius. There has been a pause in the intensity of your transformation, a necessary downtime, a space of looking within, but the New Moon of January 12th in your house of connection with your immediate circle caps an introspective period of time when you have questioned the very basis of your communication with others and you are ready to start the ball rolling again. You are moving toward a renewed sense of self, based on mystical connection with the less visited parts of your psyche. Everything is mysterious and vague, vast and unknown, but you sense the magic that underlies all of existence. By month's end, relationship challenges you into moving into better command of your own powers. The New Moon that takes place late on evening, January 12th, after Mercury turns direct, represents a fresh start in getting your point across to others in a way that is consistent with your own most deeply held values. Nothing less that your full-on commitment will do for you at this time. When the Sun crosses into Pisces on the 18th it represents a time for you to get your priorities sorted out in the direction of more personal and less philosophical issues. The Full Moon of January 27th is challenging, especially in terms of partnership with others, but challenges are not so bad. They confirm you in your commitment to your path, remind you that nothing worthwhile comes easy.

Capricorn 2011 January Horoscope
Your values are going through some major spiritualizing these days, Capricorn. You are essentially revamping your concept of Spirit as it functions in your life, and how to make it all work for you. Applied divinity. You reach out for an epiphany regarding these issues, an aha moment, with the New Moon of January 12th, which may represent a new start for financial patterns that have been hanging fire, or at least a fresh way of looking at them. You are also fortunate in relationship at this time, although the benefits may be more in terms of healing your own issues regarding partnering with others. Your progress within is your most important product. The Mercury direct moment of January 8th, followed by the New Moon of Tuesday, January 12th, may make you feel like you're lifting out of a fog that was confusing but also deeply nourishing. The New Moon moment in time represents a sudden change toward new beginnings. Near the end of the month, the Full Moon of January 27th represents a fulfillment of that initial impulse, perhaps in the form of communication dilemmas or educational and philosophical challenges to your progress toward your goals. You're being asked to stretch, and stretching, like yoga for the soul, is a good thing.

Aquarius 2011 January Horoscope
It's been a difficult time for you lately, Aquarius. You have been swimming around in watery depths where everything is vague and unknown. The period of Mercury retrograde in your sign, that is drawing to a close in the first half of this month, represents a time of deep introspection, when you meditate on your existence and just where you are currently headed with your life. There are painful patterns from the past to be outgrown, and mystical concepts of connection with Spirit to be realized. Only with the New Moon of January 12th, which conjuncts exactly your ruler Uranus, will you begin to come into your own again. The Quarter Moon of January 4th gives you a brief moment of tension between public and private self and the necessity of being fully present to your inside voice while still maintaining your connection with the outer world of manifestation. The Mercury direct moment, on January 8th, and the New Moon that follows on January 12th, represent a turn-around for you, a time when things said and done during the past three weeks begin to be undone, and new perspectives take over your thought process. In this time of new beginnings, your finances also benefit. Whatever is begun at mid-month becomes partly resolved in some fashion by the Full Moon of January 27th, when brass tacks concrete practicality intervenes on burgeoning plans and unexpected limitations come to light. Meshing with reality can be painful, but is ultimately rewarding, if you trust in the path you are on, which is the one the universe continues to open up for you

Pisces 2011 January Horoscope
You have been seeking the shelter of your interior depths lately, Pisces. Sometimes the world is too much with us, and we need to take a break for a while, and go inside. The Mercury retrograde period of time that is still active as the month begins is one of introspection and turning within, and the New Moon of January 12th that follows it takes place in your house of dreams, representing the hidden places behind and beyond your conscious mind. Your interior concentration eventually leads you out into the world refreshed in spirit and ready to play the game once more. Your emergence happens in stages, as you slowly begin to peel away the layers of gauzy veils the surround you and protect you in the secret depths of your inner world. The Mercury direct moment of January 8th is one such turning point, when you start to pay more attention to the world outside. Plans put on hold may start to crystallize during the weekend that follows, leading up to the New Moon of January 12th. This time represents a visionary moment for you, when many ideas come rapidly, effecting a shake-up of your self-expression and a re-grouping for a new way of being in the world. You start to emerge from your chrysalis when the Sun enters your sign, on January 18th. With the Full Moon of January 27th in your relationship sector, you are beginning to take more notice of the world around you, having come through an underground passage and carrying treasure.