Wednesday, December 15, 2010

February 2011 Horoscope | February Horoscope 2011 | 2011 February Horoscope

2011 Aries February Horoscope
You are in the process of discovering the true meaning of personal resources, these days. Your finances have been something of a roller coaster lately perhaps, and you have plenty of juice for possessions, of one kind or another, and for other security providing elements of your life, but what does it all mean in terms of your soul's evolutionary purpose? Ultimately it is a closer examination of your values that is going on here, for you and for the rest of the planet as well. On This Month you may experience some conflict with networks of friends and groups of people. This can be a creative moment in your process of getting a grip on what you truly value and how social needs play into it. Over the monthend this process continues and you feel caught between mundane interpretations of reality and higher purpose, as you struggle to define what it is you need for yourself apart from and in concert with others. Month's New Moon poses one form of answer to the question; material well-being may only be an illusion while the real gold is to be found right there under your and everyone else's skin.

2011 Taurus February Horoscope
Intimacy versus independence is your mantra these days, Taurus. Some major challenges and opportunities in your life have you dancing with glee over the positive changes you see coming your way, even if you may be also a bit scared or holding back at times. These feelings can only intensify as we go into the alignment ahead, as seven planets mass in Taurus this monthend and early next month, leading up to Month's New Moon in your sign. Your movement to evolve into something closer to your heart's desire is obviously expanding to the max. You can also expect issues to arise (once again) of how you can at the same time be close with another person, what that means in terms of inherited resources and shared finances and the potential conflict with your own development, and the many changes that these issues are putting you through. On This Month you feel the heat in terms of life in the public sphere, either work or some other aspect of your public persona. You feel inspired by the positive changes and also a bit conflicted, whether you can really have it all. You can, you know. Then over the monthend, and heading towards Month's magic moment, you feel the oncoming rush of energy, the waterfall we are all going over together. Wheeeee.

2011 Gemini February Horoscope
You have been in the process of reinventing the way you do relationship and it comes from a place of deep down inside yourself that's hard to reach with your conscious mind. This is not a head space, but is buried somewhere below the level of your body, even. You have been feeling the pressure growing. It may mean that you will have to make changes and that is something we all are extremely reluctant to do, but clinging to previous conceptions won't work anymore either. On Saturday you are out in public with this new evolutionary purpose to relate, to others and to hidden parts of your own nature as well, and you may feel a bit exposed. By Month's powerful New Moon you are on the launching pad, as your space ship prepares for take-off, going up, up and away. This time, the way down and the way up are the same.

2011 Cancer February Horoscope
You are in the process of reaching out to others these days, Cancer. Something inside is wanting to come out and dance with the whole world. You are undoubtedly feeling the specialness of friends and associates of all kinds, as you accept the home truth that it takes everybody's energy together to begin to heal the planet. On 27th you have the juicy and visionary encounter with some form of intimate other to spur you on your way. Over the monthend and heading into Month's New Moon, you become more ready than ever before to fully inhabit your recently expanded circle of influence.

2011 Leo February Horoscope
Your career is about to take off, Leo. All through these last few months you have been feeling the ups and downs of a new beginning in that area. Now, this month, with Month's New Moon on the way, the chances for advancement were never better, as all that practical Taurus energy lands in your house of career and public life. Beginning on This Month the 27th, when important partnerships with a revolutionary new dimension fuel your purpose, and continuing over the monthend, when creative intimacy lights your way, you're transcending the previous boundaries of your expanded self, ready to break through to new levels of achievement.

2011 Virgo February Horoscope
Ideals of service, sacrificial compassion for the entire planet, rich visions of adventure in foreign lands, simultaneous deep-rooted transformation at the core of your being – these are the energies that drive you these days, Virgo. Saturday finds you invoking important partnerships with others to share these dramas, although you might feel caught between potentially painful home truths and those outrageous adventures of Higher Mind that keep tugging at your consciousness. These days you have the practical and exuberant vision to reach new heights of spiritual advance and thinking out-of-the-box outrageous breakthrough. By Month's New Moon in totally emphasized Taurus you'll have some fresh answers to your fundamental questions and be ready to begin a new chapter at significantly higher levels of vibration.

2011 Libra February Horoscope
You are in charisma mode these days, Libra, especially where intimate partnerships are concerned. Beginning this This Month the 27th, and continuing over the monthend as you head towards Month's extremely powerful New Moon in Taurus, in your house of change, your energy to work within significant relationship in search of transformative goals was never more available. Where there is so much energy, sparks may fly, but they will be taken to advantage if you keep your eyes on the prize – nothing less than a total and irrevocable shift in the way you do intimate partnering with others. Your core issues you have been holding onto may have to change along with everything else about your personality. You are at the turning wheel at the center of your world as the planet shifts and the previously implausible becomes routine.

2011 Scorpio February Horoscope
Security has always been something of a shaky issue for you, Scorpio, you are never sure if you have enough. On This Month these feelings are emphasized as you go through some challenging changes or new vision regarding that quality of inner being you keep carefully hidden away from the rest of the world. The world is very much with you these days, especially in the form of partnerships of all kinds, where there is a whole new beginning awaiting you by the time of Month's very powerful New Moon in Taurus. Intimate and significant others hold a special meaning for your evolutionary path at this time, Scorpio.

2011 Sagittarius February Horoscope
Purification of purpose surrounds your efforts these days, Sagittarius. On This Month the 27th, visionary communication lights up your concept of being helpful to other people. There may be some conflict between self and other expressed on that day. It is difficult to put aside ego needs for the sake of everyone else – there needs to be a balance struck of some kind. On This Month, you feel more strongly than ever that home and family or taking care of your own security are the most important factors. Still there is that pull to reach out to others and explore what it means to truly be of service. On Month's New Moon you are reborn as an earth angel.

2011 Capricorn February Horoscope
Your creativity is calling out to you, Capricorn. For months now the juices have been flowing and they reach flood tide proportions by Month's New Moon. This creative energy demands everything you've got, both in terms of your inner life and what's deep down inside. Over the monthend, on This Month especially, issues of communicating your inner vision to others predominate. At that time, you feel the conflict between staying deep inside your inner world and letting all your energies rise to the surface and touch other people. By Month's powerful Taurus New Moon, it will hardly seem a contradiction as you are born into a new level of being right there in the moment.

2011 Aquarius February Horoscope
These days you are filled with the urge to re-create yourself at a very deep level of your psyche, or maybe you are just going crazy. The Native American peoples treasured the temporarily insane, and felt that they were in touch with the spaces between the worlds. That same positive evaluation applies to the trials and joys you are experiencing Aquarius. Although it may be stressful, you are getting in touch with yourself on some really deep levels, and this can only have a beneficial result in the long run, transforming your concept of what it means to be in social settings and to plan for a future society that will work better than the present one. By Month's New Moon in Taurus you'll be ready, or not, to take up the challenge of bringing all your parts together into a new level of integration. If you're ready, take the plunge. If you're not ready, take the plunge anyway.

2011 Pisces February Horoscope
You're all about reaching out to other people these days, Pisces, but there's that secret side that would rather stay curled up in a ball than venture into new territory, like exploring others' worlds. You need to honor that private side, and you will feel like that especially on This Month the 27th, but at the same time there is the building energy to communicate. Over the monthend you have a new expanded vision of yourself and your ability to emerge on the public stage, even though there may be painful changes associated with it. By Month's powerful New Moon in Taurus you will stretch your reach as never before and fully inhabit all that curious energy to explore the psychic environment around you in the form of other people, and to see where that leads you in terms of career and the public sphere. Coming out can be fun!

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